Wednesday, 16 May 2012

the condition of an artist in a postmodern time

If there is no truth, only interpretations of reality, how do I situate myself? It is increasingly felt that there are not answers and too often also, felt like there is no reality or several different or one true reality but with myself outside of it. I can not define what is real and I can not define myself I do not know if I am real and that what I do is real.
And quite often I know that it isn't real or at least a very abstract version of something real. A file on a computer seems far too abstract to be taken seriously.

The realest thing is the past, the past was real, I can remember it I was there, so it happened. I can not say the same thing about the present, at least not until it has past, then I can know, (not with certainty but as a guess) that it happened. I am still not sure.

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